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Various causes of lumps in the nose

Lumps in the nose can be mild or more severe disorders that affect daily activities. You should be more vigilant if the lump in your nose is accompanied by other symptoms. For example, accompanied by symptoms of dizziness, impaired vision or fever that never subsides. In general, lumps in the nose can be caused by various factors, such as infection, cancer, or due to certain diseases. Each condition has a different way of handling. If you have a lump in the nose, it's better to consult a doctor immediately to get the right treatment.

Diseases Associated with Lumps in the Nose

Lumps in the nose are often associated with several diseases, including:
  • Nasal polyps

  • Nasal polyps are non-cancerous tissue growths in the inner lining of the nose. These lumps appear due to inflammation of the nasal mucosal tissue. If the lump is large, your breathing will be disrupted because the lump is clogging the respiratory tract. Nasal polyps are usually characterized by several symptoms such as runny nose or a lot of mucous in the nose, nasal congestion and forced breathing through the mouth, nose feels dirty, it's hard to smell something , disturbed sleep, often snoring and the head feels depressed. Nasal polyps can be treated with drugs that work to relieve symptoms and inflammation, such as steroid drugs in the form of spray (spray) or oral (drinking), such as budesonide, or mometasone. Doctors can provide recommendations for surgery, if the polyps do not heal for a long time.
  • Nasal folliculitis

  • Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles, and this can occur in the nostrils. Inflammation of the hair follicle is usually caused by Staphylococcus bacterial infection, although it can also be affected by fungus. The habit of prying and pulling nose hair too often can also lead to folliculitis. Folliculitis is characterized by several symptoms such as red bumps appearing around the hair follicles or the skin feels itchy and sore. This condition must be treated quickly because if left untreated will make the infection worse and cause nasal vestibulitis, which is more difficult to treat. To treat folliculitis, doctors will usually prescribe medications in the form of antibiotic pills or creams, to kill the bacteria that causes the infection and soothe inflammation. Under certain conditions, the doctor can perform a small operation to remove pus from the lump.
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer

  • As the name implies, nasopharyngeal cancer occurs in the nasopharyngeal area, namely in the area behind the nose to the back of the throat. Nasopharyngeal cancer is caused by mutations in genes that cause cells to grow out of control. Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer include sore throat, lumps appearing in the nose or neck, nose bleeding, difficulty breathing and speaking, headaches, impaired hearing, and painful ears. . Like the problem of cancer in general, nasopharyngeal cancer can be treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery is also possible to remove cancer cells in the body. Surgery is only done if radiotherapy and chemotherapy are unable to overcome nasopharyngeal cancer.

Tips for Maintaining Nose Health

Maintaining a healthy nose can avoid a variety of problems, including the appearance of bumps in the nose. Some steps below you can apply to keep your nose healthy.
  • Use a nasal spray so the nose is not dry and remains moist.
  • Consume lots of water, especially if you are in a dry environment.
  • Routinely clean the inside of the nose with cotton and warm water.
  • Avoid smoking, because the danger of cigarette smoke can damage the lining of the nose.
Although in general, lumps in the nose are not dangerous, you should see a doctor, if there are lumps that cause unusual symptoms. Early detection can help you avoid more dangerous risks.
